How Tutored by Teachers
Helps Your Students

TbT’s virtual tutoring programs provide personalized, virtual instruction delivered by teachers, with a focus on learning acceleration and improving learning outcomes.

Virtual Intervention

TbT’s core offering, Virtual Intervention provides K-12 students with targeted skills-based, high-dosage tutoring, aligned to Math and ELA standards.

Tutoring For All

Designed to provide additional instructional hours to K-12 students, Tutoring for All is delivered in a flexible format anywhere – at school, at home, or both.

Summer Academy

Addressing K-8 students’ unfinished learning, Summer Academy provides an engaging Math and ELA curriculum for a 20-day summer sequence in school or at home.

Our Advantage

TbT is the only provider of virtual high-dosage, standards-aligned intervention, delivered synchronously to small groups of students by the same U.S.-credentialed teachers, consistently driving students’ double-digit gains across ELA and Math standards.

Our Students

Tutored by Teachers is focused on serving high-need students with the goal of advancing
equity in education.

10KStudents Tutored

68%On Free & Reduced

82%Students of Color

Indianapolis Public Schools Turbocharged Their NWEA MAP Scores In Partnership With TbT!

Based on independent third party analysis of the IPS Emerging Schools’ NWEA MAP scores, TbT significantly improved the
academic outcomes of students participating in its tutoring program compared to non-TbT students.

10%Avg. Growth Percentile
Point in Math

12%Avg. Growth Percentile
Point in ELA

Tutored by Teachers’ accessible learning model and qualified network of teachers has been instrumental in changing the trajectory of our students who were falling behind and needed additional support.

Dr. Lester Powell Principal at Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD)

My teachers are very excited because it takes some of the lift off of them.

Amanda Milliken Principal at George Buck Elementary School

Students are more invested with this program than with their class. And the program runs itself.

Meghan St. Cyr-Bradley Assistant Principal at KIPP Team Academy in NJ