Tutoring For All
Expand Instructional
Capacity With
Flexibility And Ease
Tutored by Teachers’ Tutoring for All program is designed to provide additional instructional hours in an accessible format for students, with minimal lift for schools. Tutoring for All is delivered virtually anywhere — at school, at home, or both.

Tutored by Teachers’ Tutoring For All Program

Improves teacher retention, student engagement, and parent satisfaction

Serves Grades K-12 in Math and ELA

Takes place during school hours, after school, Saturdays, or summer

Imposes minimal lift on districts and schools

Delivers virtual instruction to address learning acceleration

Tutoring For All, By The Numbers
The Tutoring for All program was offered to all Indianapolis Public Schools’ families to enroll their children during the 2022-23 school year. The program was delivered to 2,000 students, driving high engagement, academic outcomes, and parents’ satisfaction
Learning hours delivered
74%Returned after
attending the first session
80%of parents highly
likely to recommend
70%of parents observed
meaningful gains in Math and ELA

Program Design Principles
Tutoring for All program’s goal is to address teacher burnout by expanding instructional capacity, improving parent satisfaction through flexible scheduling, and engaging students through personalized instruction. The program’s instructional approach includes:

High-impact personalized instruction

Highly qualified teachers

Focus on outcomes

Whole Child approach

Engaging curriculum

Virtual, at-home or in-school to small groups

Partner With Us
Districts and charter schools from across the country
partner with Tutored by Teachers to offer the Tutoring for All program to their students. Contact our
team to learn how we can meet the unique needs of
your school community.